Home Property Australia Queensland housing legislation passed

Queensland housing legislation passed

  • November 02, 2017

Queensland housing legislation passed

The Queensland Parliament has passed the Housing Legislation (Building Better Futures) Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill).

The Bill amends the Housing Act 2003, Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003, Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002, Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, and Retirement Villages Act 1999.

Through the Property Council’s submission to the Parliamentary Committee we supported many of the policy interventions, however, concerns were raised about how the provisions are proposed to be implemented.

Provisions relating to selling a retirement village, redeveloping a retirement village, the retrospective 18 month buy-back provision for retirement village units, disputes relating to site increases for residential parks, and the inclusion of minimum rental standards were of particular concern.

A number of amendments to the original Bill were passed during the debate including the introduction of timeframes for the Department to make decisions relating to transition (selling), closure and redevelopment plans under the Retirement Villages Act 1999.  Timeframes were an issue raised by the Property Council in our submission, and whilst we welcome the amendment, we are concerned that there is still not adequate certainty for the industry.

The Bill also includes a provision to review the 18 month buy-back requirement within two years of commencement.

Much of the detail supporting the provisions in the Bill will be contained in the supporting regulation and approved forms that are yet to be released by the Government. 

The Property Council’s ongoing focus will be on ensuring that issues we have raised in our submission are addressed in the drafting of these documents.

Note that at the time of writing (Thursday 2 November), royal assent has not been officially confirmed for the Bill, after an election was called in Queensland last weekend.