Property Council launches #designperth
The Property Council of Australia and the Australian Greens have joined together for the 2nd time to launch the report #designperth aimed at driving well designed infill development and urban regeneration.
Working alongside architects CODA Studio and the Curtin University Sustainability and Policy Institute (CUSP), the report highlights 3 excellent real life design case studies on underutilised sites in Perth which showcases potential economic benefits that can be achieved through well-designed infill development.
“Government will always have a responsibility to provide infrastructure for new communities. This ground-breaking report highlights that by investing in more infill development and urban regeneration, there are associated cost savings for the tax payer. For every 1000 lots developed in infill sites, a saving up to $94.5 million could be achieved,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“The Property industry is committed to growing strong communities which can be achieved through beautifully designed buildings and precincts. Our bold vision showcases how underutilised space in metropolitan Perth, and along key transport corridors, can be transformed through innovative and well-designed infill development. Not only will this create vibrant precincts, but it will save money.”
The report found that:
- For every 1000 dwellings developed in infill sites, a saving up to $94.5 million could be achieved
- Achieving Perth’s 47% infill target by 20, will deliver savings up to $13billion
- Precinct wide case study based on infill development showed that local employment rose by 352% and public open space increased by 187%
Key Recommendations include:
- Establish an independant state infrastructure body
- Reform the Strata Titles Act
- Require local governments in Perth to modernise local planning schemes
- Re-establish the National Housing Supply Council
“#designperth is a powerful demonstration that in a rapidly expanding city like Perth, we can achieve greater growth through greater housing diversity, including infill development and urban regeneration. This will create a connected, liveable and sustainable city for all West Australians.”