Political horse-trading makes EPBC reform uncertainThe Property Council has expressed concern over the decision made by Palmer United Party Senators to vote against amendments to the EPBC Act to allow for a ‘One Stop Shop’ Environmental assessment and Approvals process.Removing duplication in environmental processes would reduce the development costs that decimate affordability, impact mortgage to income ratios and lock-out first home buyers.Duplicate State and Federal environmental hurdles provide no net environmental benefit and only elevate delays and holding costs for developers and restrict new housing supply which increases costs for home buyers.The Bilateral Agreement Implementation amendments are an essential step toward removing bureaucratic double handling of environmental processes and homebuyers would be the biggest beneficiaries.All Australian States and Territories have moved forward with Bilateral agreements collectively to bring about ‘One Stop Shops’ and the Federal Parliament including Palmer United need to consider this State/Federal reform by revisiting the EPBC amendments.
Home Property Australia Political horse-trading makes EPBC reform uncertain