Opportunity unlocked by Regional Plan delayRecently the Property Council received confirmation from the Queensland Government that the South East Queensland Regional Plan will undergo further revision and development before its release in 2015.The Property Council has been engaged in the development of the South East Queensland Regional Plan for more than 12 months, and during that time it has consistently advocated for the plan to be expanded to ensure it can act as an effective blueprint for the state’s growth.This message to government has been supported by the realistic understanding that a plan of this quality and scope must take time.Importantly for industry, the state government’s recent announcement has confirmed that all of the Property Council’s key recommendations will be investigated before the Regional Plan is released in 2015.These recommendations include:consideration of additional areas for urban growth within the plan, and an accountability framework to ensure local government planning schemes reflect these areas in a timely manneran investigation into the development of a state infrastructure plan, which will be integrated into the regional plan, andthe development of a long-term solution to the challenges confronting the industry following the listing of the koala as vulnerable under federal EPBC legislation.The Property Council strongly supports delaying the release of the Regional Plan until after the 2015 election to ensure these elements are considered. It is confident the extended time frame will provide the opportunity to overcome the historical shortfalls of the regional planning process and create a new-generation plan for Queensland’s future.
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