NSW Planning Update
Proposed amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy No 70 (Affordable Housing – Revised Schemes) (SEPP 70)
Recently the Department of Planning exhibited a proposed amendment to SEPP 70 that would expand its operation to all local councils in NSW allowing any council to establish contribution schemes for affordable housing.
Schemes, which would be developed as amendments to local environmental plans, would be developed on the basis of development uplift generated by rezoning proposals. A key aspect of the Department’s proposal would be a viability tool that would need to be applied to all scheme proposals.
The Property Council made a submission to the Department of Planning and Environment regarding the proposed amendments in December 2018. A copy of the submission can be downloaded here .
Exhibition of Greater Macarthur 2040 and Proposed Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC)
A draft plan for the Greater Macarthur region and SIC for the Greater Macarthur Growth Area is currently on exhibition until 8 February 2019. The draft plan updates the planning framework for the linear urban renewal corridor between Glenfield and Macarthur as well as the new land release area including Menangle Park, Gilead and Appin. The draft plan implements the objectives of the Greater Sydney Regional Plan and the Western City District Plan, including delivery of housing and employment targets.
The Property Council is currently preparing a submission for consideration by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.