Newcastle Smart City Strategy adopted
The Newcastle Smart City Strategy was formally adopted by Newcastle City Council on the 22nd of this month which will enable Newcastle to continue to develop into a city of knowledge, talent, creativity, high value jobs and investment.
The four-year strategy outlines the key priorities and actions to be delivered by Council in its commitment to leading Newcastle’s transition to a smart and innovative city and forms one element of the broader Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan to create a smart, liveable, and sustainable city.
The strategy recognises the fact that in an increasingly digital economy and technology driven age, cities need to look towards new approaches, innovative technologies, and smart infrastructure to create an environment that supports community and economic growth.
The Property Council has been a strong advocate of the Smart City Strategy and is a supporter of Newcastle City Council’s application for $5 million in funding through the Australian Government’s Smart Cities and Suburbs Program. The Property Council met with the Cities Unit of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet recently in Canberra to discuss the funding submission and the long term benefits funding will bring to the city.
A successful funding application under the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program would allow council to leverage the significant public and private investment currently being made in city-building projects giving full implementation of the strategy a much greater chance of success.
The Property Council will continue to work with council and other levels of government to ensure Newcastle continues its growth as an innovative and well-connected city.