Home Property Australia Missing middle design competition

Missing middle design competition

  • November 09, 2016

Missing middle design competition

 The Office of the Government Architect is calling upon architects, building designers, architecture students and house builders to help shape the future of housing in NSW through the newly announced Missing Middle Design Competition.

The competition seeks the innovation and creative intelligence of our design sector to apply, test and improve the draft Medium Density Design Guide. 

The draft Medium Density Design Guide, currently on exhibition, aims to provide consistent planning and design standards for missing middle scale housing. The Guide also proposes allowing certain types of housing of this scale to be approved through a Complying Development pathway; terraces, dual occupancies and manor houses. 

The Office of the Government Architect is seeking high-quality, innovative design concepts that test the limits of the proposed standards for Complying Development and showcase its potential. 

The Missing Middle Design Competition has been endorsed by the Australian Institute of Architects. There are three entry categories corresponding to the three proposed Complying Development pathway housing types: terraces, dual occupancies and manor houses.

Three winners will win $10,000 each (one winner per category). Four runners up will be awarded $5,000 each (two in the terraces category and one in each other category). Entries will be assessed by an expert jury consisting of representatives from the architecture, urban design, planning and building design sectors.