Local government needs to lift its gameIn June the Your Council report on the profile and performance of the NSW local government sector was released. The report provides information about how well local government in NSW is performing as a whole, and how well individual councils are performing over time and in comparison to similar councils.Findings from the 2013/14 Report include:The number of Councils reporting a surplus result dropped from 54 to 41 in the last 12 months;Wingecarribee had the highest number of code of conduct complaints (21), costing ratepayers $173,000, North Sydney was second with 20 complaints;Average annual residential rates increased by $70;Hunters Hill Council had the highest average residential rates ($1,633) while Brewarrina Shire Council had the lowest average ($131);Governance and Administration represents the largest service expense.The NSW Government’s ‘Fit for the Future’ reform agenda presents a unique opportunity for the State to address the many challenges faced by local government, including financial instability, infrastructure backlogs, choked revenue, out-dated boundaries and a shortage of skilled professionals.The Property Council has consistently articulated the case for reforms to improve the performance of councils across NSW and believes that the Fit for the Future criteria contain valid and commendable objectives for local government. These include:Scale and capacity to engage effectively across community, industry and governmentsSustainabilityEffectively managing infrastructure and delivering services for communities, andEfficiency. The due date for councils’ Fit for the Future submissions was 30 June 2015.To access the Your Council report click here.
Home Property Australia Local government needs to lift its game