Home Property Australia Join us at the Rising Generation networking events

Join us at the Rising Generation networking events

  • April 26, 2016

Join us at the Rising Generation networking events

New and young professionals in the retirement living sector have a once a year opportunity to network with other rising stars at our upcoming Rising Generation Award launch events.

The success of our sector is dependent on young talent with innovative ideas ensuring that retirement living becomes an increasingly attractive proposition, which is why the Property Council runs the Rising Generation Award to showcase the best young and new professionals in the sector.

Ahead of this year’s award, we want to get together young professionals in each state at dedicated networking events.

These events are free for all people eligible to enter the award – anyone working in the sector for at least 12 months and aged 30 or under, or anyone working in the sector for less than five years and aged between 30 and 40.

The series of events kicked off in May with events in Melbourne and Perth – thanks to all who joined us.

If you’re in Sydney, join us for the ‘Hour of Power’ on Wednesday 8 June between midday and 1pm for networking and a special presentation by Simon Owen, the CEO of Ingenia Communities (sponsor of the Rising Generation Award) at their offices in Pitt Street.

If you’re in Adelaide, join us on Thursday 16 June between 5pm and 7pm at The Gallery, 30 Waymouth Street, for networking with young professionals from a wide range of sectors

An event will also be held in Brisbane on a date to be confirmed soon.

Register for the Rising Generation events here – nominations for the award open later in August.

If you’re eligible for the Rising Generation Award, you can also access a special discounted rate for the National Retirement Living Summit in Melbourne in November – register at www.retirementlivingsummit.com