Home Property Australia It s Time to move to Tasmania

It s Time to move to Tasmania

  • July 20, 2015

“It’s Time” – to move to Tasmania

Industry leaders in the Tasmanian property and construction industry have continued to express their positive expectations about doing business in Tasmania according to the latest ANZ/Property Council Survey.

The sixteenth survey, which is the largest of its kind in the country, shows Tasmania’s property industry sentiment was exceeding expectations since last quarter’s survey.

Property Council Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman said the results sustained a positive trend and demonstrated that Tasmania had a significant opportunity as a result of consistent and increased confidence across the economy.

With a rise of 13 points from 130 to 143 since the previous quarter, Tasmania ranked 12 points above the national average of 131, outranking all other states and territories, with the exception of New South Wales.

“Respondents to the survey have indicated their confidence through a number of measures such as forward work schedule expectations and retail growth, with a huge leap in staffing level expectations the stand out result.

“An increase in state economic growth expectations was also particularly encouraging which, when coupled with the State Government’s target of 6,000 residents by 20, the time is right to move to the island state.

“Tasmania remains an island of opportunity and members look forward to delivering continued investment and development.

“The State Government and the Property Council are on a unity ticket when it comes to creating prosperity, jobs and strong communities,” Mr Wightman said.

In Tasmania the Property Council of Australia believed that consistent advocacy was providing impetus for improved confidence and heightened expectations.

“Tasmania must continue its reform journey with planning, regulation reduction and local government amalgamations hopefully remaining at the top of the Government’s legislative efforts,” Mr Wightman said.


Media contact: Brian Wightman | M 0429 073 773 | E [email protected]