Government releases The Spit vision statement
The State Government has released a final ‘vision statement‘ for The Spit, as part of the ongoing master planning process.
As the Government progresses with master planning the area, it will be guided by the principle that “Future generations will value The Spit as a place that: Is renowned as a destination that exemplifies a harmonious balance between tourism, recreation, leisure experiences and the environment.”
This final vision statement is the outcome of a public consultation process, through which the Property Council contributed the industry’s perspective on the best way forward for area’s future.
A Report on the consultation for the draft vision statement, and The Spit Master Plan – Finalising the vision documents have also been released to explain the process of developing this vision.
The Property Council has been supportive of a master planning process for The Spit to resolve existing and future infrastructure issues.
Over the next six months the Government will develop master plan concepts with a view to finalising a draft master plan for consultation in the first half of 2019.