Home Property Australia Future Directions Christmas drinks and Urban Density Opinion Paper launch

Future Directions Christmas drinks and Urban Density Opinion Paper launch

  • July 10, 2017

Future Directions Committee Christmas drinks and Urban Density Opinion Paper launch

On Thursday 3 December 2015, the Future Directions Committee and 120 property professionals celebrated the festive season over drinks at the newly redeveloped Stag Hotel on Rundle Street. The event also acted as the launch platform for the Committee’s Urban Density Opinion Paper, which can be accessed below. 

For young professionals such as those represented by the Committee, urban density and its application within the Australian context is of particular interest due to its ability to shape communities, lifestyles and cultures at a time when many are looking to purchase their first significant asset.  

Photos from the event can be seen on the Property Council’s Facebook page

On behalf of the Property Council Committee and the Future Directions we thank those that attended and wish everyone a safe and happy festive season.