Home Property Australia Eyes wide open urban design lessons from Texas

Eyes wide open urban design lessons from Texas

  • April 01, 2015

Eyes wide open – urban design lessons from TexasOne of the great advantages to international travel is that it opens your eyes to the possibilities of what might be.I am lucky enough to have just returned from the USA which included experiencing Dallas, Austin and Houston.Over the past decade, each city has had unrivalled success at generating prosperity, jobs and strong communities.Through visionary, local political leadership, they made urban renewal the number one strategic priority for their city. No policy back flips to appease noisy minority groups in these cities.No infighting amongst various levels of Government.They had professional industry experts advise them on the best urban design for their city and the public infrastructure which would be required to deliver on the promise of a better future.They then set up supporting structures to involve their communities and receive their suggestions within that framework.But they had zero tolerance for a Back to The Future approach and they did not waiver from their course. As the Americans say, they “stayed on mission”.I was mightily impressed by the vibe of each city and the ease with which locals and visitors can move about.They are clean and tidy – manicured even – and they feel safe and inviting.There is an air of civic pride.Each city has drifted towards density, with new neighbourhoods designed in a sympathetic and respectful acknowledgement of the surrounding heritage.And they have dedicated themselves to sustainability in everything from building materials to water recycling and a patchwork of green spaces.The “before and after shots” are breathtaking.So are the numbers.Austin, for example, saw the highest growth of any major U.S. city in the past few years. The population grew 12 percent and unemployment fell.So what makes them able to compete for the best and brightest America has to offer? What keeps them on this trajectory of ever improving infrastructure and amenity?It’s simple. The civic leaders are leading. They are making their cities great places to live, learn, work and play.And the glue that holds all this together? Each city has delivered light rail infrastructure that moves more people further and delivers them to the doorsteps of where they need to be.Almost the entire systems are at ground-level and at-grade with street traffic. Ridership increases every year because human beings love using light rail and the systems are expanding because of community demand.The Dallas light rail system began on time and on budget in 1996. Over 200km of tracks now exist and the system is the largest in the USA.Houston started with 11km in 2004 and will have 114km by 2025.But light rail is not the silver bullet. Each city is also walkable and bikeable. Trails and tracks abound.I had one Mayor tell me, “Female cyclists are the indicator species for the health of a city”.When I questioned him further, he replied in a broad Texan drawl, “son, if your momma can’t ride her bicycle down the main street of your city, then you have a ways to go with making transportation friendly for your citizens.”That was his litmus test.Perhaps it should be ours – until Mum can ride her bike down Hunter St, we’ll know there is still more to be done.