Draft East Wanneroo District Structure Plan open for comment
Planning Minister Rita Saffioti recently made a significant announcement about future development in Perth’s North-Eastern suburbs. The draft East Wanneroo District Structure Plan sets out the planning frameworks and needs for that part of Perth for the foreseeable future.
The plan, which was developed in conjunction with a community reference group, outlines the planning needs and frameworks needed to make East Wanneroo home to 1,000 residents over the next fifty years, proposed to be reviewed every ten years once in operation. The District Structure Plan applies to 8,000ha portioned into 28 separate precincts.
Some features of the draft District Structure Plan include suggested future road upgrades, including a proposed Whiteman-Yanchep Highway and medium density residential areas to the north of the District Structure Plan zone.
A number of steps will need to be taken to progress the District Structure Plan, including reservation of land, improved transport connections, rezoning of existing land and the preparation of a District Development Contributions Scheme. Additional infrastructure such as schools, sporting and community facilities will also need to be considered.
The draft District Structure Plan is seeking public comment, which will close on Friday 20 December. The feedback will be considered by the WAPC before its approval of the Plan.
The draft District Structure Plan, including background documents, can be viewed here.
A document summarising the draft Structure Plan is available separately at this link.