Home Property Australia Caloundra Planning Scheme Amendments

Caloundra Planning Scheme Amendments

  • October 18, 2018

Caloundra Planning Scheme Amendments

Sunshine Coast Council has opened public consultation on proposed amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 and policies relating to the Caloundra Centre Master Plan and Special Entertainment Precincts.

The proposed amendments seek to amend the rezoning, height of buildings, structures overlay, and amend the levels of assessment for developments in the Caloundra Local Plan Area. The Caloundra Centre Master Plan proposed amendments also address transport and parking figures following new roads and public transport upgrades.

Changes to tourist areas and entertainment precincts are subject to the Proposed Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 (Qualified State Interest Amendment) and Planning Scheme Policy (Amendment) – Special Entertainment Precincts, these include:

a. designating part of the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area and part of Nambour’s major activity centre as ‘special entertainment precincts’ under the Local Government Act     2009;
b. deleting the existing hospitality areas in Maroochydore, Nambour, Caloundra and Mooloolaba activity centres to reduce potential overlap and confusion with the proposed new special entertainment precincts;
c. amending the tables of assessment, development codes, zone codes and relevant local plan codes to make it easier for entertainment uses to establish in centre zones, key tourist areas and the Ocean Street Food and Music Sub-Precinct;
d. providing for micro-breweries in the Principal centre zone and Major centre zones;
e. amending the assessment benchmarks relating to noise criteria for venues, surrounding residential development and key mixed-use areas; and
f. amending the Planning Scheme Policy for the Nuisance code to include requirements for noise impact assessments.

Submissions close on Friday 9 November 2018.

For more information or to make a submission, visit Council’s website.