Home Property Australia Brisbane CBD s future capacity under the microscope

Brisbane CBD s future capacity under the microscope

  • February 06, 2020

Brisbane CBD’s future capacity under the microscope

The Property Council has released the ‘Brisbane CBD of the Future’ report, produced by Urbis, which outlines an analysis of the volumetric composition of Brisbane CBD’s various land uses, and the future capacity of the CBD.

The report found that commercial uses currently account for 2,707,440 sqm of space or 61.8% of total space within the CBD. Residential uses have the second highest occupancy amount, holding 14.5% of the total GFA within the CBD.

Based on current white-collar employment projections to 2041, the report has found that there will be approximately 188,999 white collar jobs within the Brisbane CBD, an increase of 63,563 jobs from the 2016 figure.

The report has highlighted concerns with the future capacity of the CBD and whether expected demand will outstrip the future supply of office space. The Property Council will use the report to underpin its advocacy for amendments to current site cover restrictions within the Brisbane CBD.

The report can be accessed  below.