Home Property Australia Bowen Hills PDA Review

Bowen Hills PDA Review

  • December 13, 2018

Bowen Hills PDA Review

The Property Council has provided feedback to the Bowen Hills PDA Development Scheme Review, which proposes amendment no.2 to the development scheme and amendments to the Bowen Hills PDA Development Charges and Offset Plan (DCOP), prepared under Economic Development Queensland (EDQ).

The Bowen Hills PDA Development Scheme came into effect on 3 July 2009. The current amendments intend to update the development scheme to reflect contemporary development patterns, along with responding to the delivery of infrastructure in the area.

The PDA is approximately 108 hectares, located east of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, south of the inner city bypass and Enoggera Creek and north of Brunswick Street.

The Property Council submission expressed support for amendments within the development scheme that would simplify zoning provisions and site amalgamation but called for greater flexibility with regards to height restrictions, urban design and public realm outcomes. The submission also highlighted the need for further transitional provisions for current property owners who have purchased land based on the current scheme.

For more information on the Bowen Hills PDA visit the Government’s website.

Download the Property Council submission below.