Home Property Australia BBP Consultation Operational Waste Guidelines

BBP Consultation Operational Waste Guidelines

  • October 29, 2014

BBP Consultation – Operational Waste GuidelinesThe Better Buildings Partnership is committed to working collaboratively with leading industry players to drive best practice, foster environmental innovation and create new commercial opportunities for the Sydney property sector.Over the past 16 months, the Better Buildings Partnership has focused on the opportunities from better management, measurement and outcomes for operational waste. The Better Buildings Partnership recognises the importance of waste as a material with value and importance to tenants and occupants due to its environmental and economic impacts. As a result, the Partnership has created Operational Waste Guidelines with the intention of improving the outcomes of operational waste in buildings. The BBP is currently in a consultation phase for these Guidelines. They are designed to improve the management of waste from commercial buildings’ operations with a variety of tools:Model procurement clauses for waste services, clear roles/responsibilities and KPIsTemplate collection streams (with reporting hierarchies for benchmarking services)Updated industry densities for materialsTemplate waste management plans with contamination, facility recovery rates, and outcomes-based reporting adjustmentsAn innovative new data integrity protocol, to transparently grade the quality of data for meaningful inter-building benchmarkingThese Guidelines have been developed in collaboration with the industry and the BBP is now seeking broader industry feedback to sense-check and finalise this document for public release. Our objective is that these Guidelines will promote better procurement, benchmarking, waste reduction, and resource recovery. We understand that the waste management sector is a complex industry, therefore we must critique our tools from a variety of angles, which is why we have invited you to participate in this consultation. You can support the Partnership’s development of the Guidelines by completing our survey through the Sydney Your Say portal. Please also forward this to your networks or those with an interest.If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Guidelines, please contact Esther Bailey from the BBP – [email protected] the BBP Operational Waste Guidelines Consultation Draft here. Consultation is open until 7 November 2014.