Australia’s Best City Market Intelligence
Since launching the Australia’s Best City website, 52,000 people from 180 countries have been looking in to see what makes our cities great, and how cities compare.
Australia’s Best City is a freely accessible and comprehensive online database that compares Australia’s capital cities across 0+ indicators across 1-2 categories. The website ranks cities according to their performance and provides users with the opportunity to explore what makes Australian cities great.
Our Market Intelligence Reports interrogates the 400,000 website interactions and assesses individual choices and preferences by country and even by city, age and other demographics – there is no other database that compares.
In these times of stiff competition between our capitals for attracting business, investment, tourism or skilled migration, it’s handy to know how each city scores across parameters that actually matter. Our market intelligence provides valuable insights for businesses, institutions and interest groups to inform their own analysis and directions.
A suite of Market lntelligence products can answer questions such as:
- Why are people attracted to a particular Australian city, and why?
- Which countries are most interested in housing, education, cost of living, employment or environmental indicators? And why?
- How are Australian cities performing, and where are they out-performing or lagging?
Additional research (migration and visa data, tourism data) has been cross referenced with website user data to draw conclusions about the underlying motivations that have led users to the Australia’s Best City site and help explain user preferences.
The Products: Comprehensive and thoroughly-researched reports are now available, including:
- A full 140-page Market lntelligence Report, including detailed demographic, psychographic and infographic outputs based on the user interaction with the Australia’s Best City f or t2 international countries and 8 Australian cities
- lndividual Market Profiles: A report analysing Australia’s Best City user data from one of the 21 statistically significant user groups (13 countries and 8 Australian capital cities)
- City Reports: A report summarising the individual performance of an Australian capital city against the Categories and Facts on the Australia’s Best City database, and the Market Profile of website users from within that city.
- Database: An electronic and editable database of every indicator on the Australia’s Best City website, including the data outputs used to compare cities.
For detailed descriptions and purchase details for the full suite of Australia’s Best City products, please visit
For more information on the above product/service offers or to enquire further about Australia’s Best City, please contact us on
+61 8 8227 0376 or email [email protected].