Home Property Australia A Perth city deal one step closer

A Perth city deal one step closer

  • May 04, 2018


The Property Council welcomes the announcement that a City Deal for Perth is now one step closer to becoming a reality, as the Turnbull and McGowan Governments commit to sign a memorandum of understanding within the next twelve months.

City Deals, which bring together three levels of Government, the community and private enterprise to align planning, investment and governance, are already underway in Townsville, Launceston and Western Sydney.

The Property Council will take a leading role in advocating for priority projects to be defined, to ensure optimum outcomes from the $3.2 billion infrastructure funding pledge that accompanied the Perth City Deal announcement. We will particularly be looking for the City Deal to leverage joint Commonwealth and State investment in METRONET, to better connect Perth’s suburbs, reduce congestion and meet Perth’s future planning needs. 

To view Property Council’s media statements on the announcement, click here

To view Property Council’s National Media Statement click here

To learn more about City Deals click here