Key economic statstic on global, national and state level.
Hotel property revenue per available room (RevPAR). This indicates the profitability of each room in an establishment. Calculated as total revenue/room nights available.
Source: Tourism Research Australia; Australian Accommodation Monitor
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The average price that visitors pay for their room per night. Calculated as total revenue/room nights occupied.
Source: Tourism Research Australia; Australian Accommodation Monitor
The average proportion of rooms occupied each night for a given period. Calculated as room nights occupied/room nights available.Â
Source: Tourism Research Australia; Australian Accommodation Monitor
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Future supply projections for Australian hotel stock.Â
Source: Savills Hotels
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Property industry expectations on the capital value of property by asset type, looking forward 12 months from each period.
Source: ANZ/Property Council Survey
Sentiment where 0 is neutral
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The proportion of property industry survey respondents’ property sales to offshore investors, by sector.
Source: ANZ/Property Council Survey
% of respondents’ total sales to offshore investors
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