Home National Housing Solutions Summit Wendy Hayhurst

Wendy was appointed in March 2019 as CEO of the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA), the peak body representing not for profit community housing organisations across Australia.
Previously she led CHIA NSW – the state peak – for four years. Wendy has spent almost her entire career in social and affordable housing – working her way from the front line to a non-executive directorship and senior managerial roles in a wide range of housing provider organisations, regulatory bodies, specialist consultancies and performance benchmarking organisations.
She has in-depth knowledge and experience of the NSW, national and international community housing sector through her work with the NSW Regulator, in shaping and administering the National Regulatory System and her work in the United Kingdom. Wendy has an Executive Masters in Public Administration taught through the Australian and New Zealand School of Government. She also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Housing awarded by the Chartered Institute of Housing in the UK.