Testimonial from Sir David Higgins, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive, Lendlease 1995-2002

Home Membership Recognition & Awards The Australian Property Hall of Fame Hall of Fame Inductees Testimonial from Sir David Higgins, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive, Lendlease 1995-2002

Originally from Holland, Dick Dusseldorp AO brought a distinctly European approach when he established first Civil & Civic and then Lend Lease Corporation. His vision of a partnership between shareholders, employees and community created a unique company culture that sought to maximise long term wealth creation for their shared benefit. He was a charismatic leader and a great entrepreneur who was prepared to take risks on projects and with people.

Dick left a permanent mark on Australian city skylines and planned communities, working with some of the world’s leading architects and engineers to build such landmarks as Australia Square and the MLC Centre. His legacy spreads from promoting property strata titles and property trusts, to the ACTU – Lend Lease Foundation (now part of the Hornery Institute) and the Dusseldorp Skills Forum.

I remember him as an iconic property man and a social entrepreneur who inspired myself and thousands of other Lend Lease colleagues.


Dick Dusseldorp AO