Welcome focus on creating homes around transport hubs
The Property Council of Australia has warmly welcomed the launch today of the WA Government’s ‘Our Priorities: Sharing Prosperity’ program.
WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said it was a forward-looking, city-building policy.
“The people of Perth, not only today but in years to come will benefit immensely from planning that will see more homes connected to public transport hubs,” Ms Brewer said.
“The Property Council has been a staunch champion of creating better-connected communities, in resilient cities.
“The WA Government has set an ambitious target, aiming to increase the number of homes in Perth and Peel close to a public transport node by 45% by 2031.
“As our Great Cities research demonstrated, the key to good growth is smart investment in city-shaping infrastructure.
“The McGowan Government has proven its commitment to shaping Perth for the benefit of future generations through major investment in METRONET.
“By encouraging development around transport nodes this will enable West Australians to spend less time in the car and more time at home with friends and family.”
“Perth is maturing as a city. We need to aspire to create high liveability, high amenity suburbs, the likes of which we see when travelling in other cities.
“While greenfield development will always be a key part of the housing mix, we strongly support moves to more effectively deliver housing especially close to infrastructure in the inner and middle rings.
“This is the essence of creating great places and the great opportunity that Perth has; to embrace contemporary urban environments.”