Welcome First Step on ACAT Reform But It Must Go Further 

Home Media Releases Welcome First Step on ACAT Reform But It Must Go Further 

Wednesday 5 February 2025


Welcome First Step on ACAT Reform But It Must Go Further 

The Property Council of Australia today welcomed the ACT Government’s move to limit third-party appeals against public housing and public health developments, a key reform called for in its Election Platform released in August 2024.

Property Council ACT & Capital Region Executive Director Ashlee Berry said delays caused by ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) appeals have held back much-needed housing supply, and the government’s recognition of this problem is an important first step.

“We’ve long advocated for fixing ACAT processes because the current system has allowed frivolous objections to stall housing projects, making Canberra’s housing crisis even worse,” Ms Berry said.

“While today’s announcement is welcome, it still doesn’t go far enough. To truly unlock housing supply and investment confidence, these reforms should apply to all developments, not just public housing.”

The Property Council ACT’s Election Platform called for government to fix ACAT processes to provide certainty and reduce delays to housing supply by:

  • Making timeframe for decisions around appeal requirements certain and shorter;
  • Instigating fixed timeframes for hearing decisions; and
  • Considering limiting third party appeal rights and allowing Lease Variation Charge determinations to be decided by the President of the Australian Property Institute, or another independent third party.

Ms Berry said the ACT must strike a balance between community input and certainty for investors, warning that NIMBY-driven appeals continue to stall essential housing projects.

“The fact that 75 per cent of public housing appeals were resolved in favour of the original decision shows that the system is still being exploited to delay homes from being built,” she said.

“If we’re serious about housing affordability, we need streamlined planning processes that prioritise more homes, not more red tape.”

The Property Council will continue to advocate for broader ACAT reform to remove unnecessary delays and provide greater certainty for the property sector.


Media: Andrew Parkinson | 0404 615 596 | [email protected]