Vision to minimise emissions welcomed

Home Media Releases Vision to minimise emissions welcomed

Vision to minimise emissions welcomedThe Property Council today welcomed the vison for net-zero emissions by 20 outlined in the NSW Government’s policy framework for the $0 million environmental investment package.The draft strategic plan released by NSW Environment Minister Mark Speakman provides much-needed vision to best spend the money drawn from NSW businesses through the NSW Climate Change Fund.Property Council NSW Executive Director Jane Fitzgerald said today that the strategic plan was welcome, but the proof would be in the pudding.”We must do more to tackle climate change and its effects – it is important to have a plan for NSW to work towards net-zero emissions by 20 and best spend the Climate Change Fund.””The Property Council’s members have embraced sustainability and the property industry leads the way in terms of incorporating models to improve energy efficiency and address the effects of climate change.””We will consult with our members further on the draft plan to Save NSW Energy and Money that is included as one of three investment channels in the strategic plan – but we need to ensure that suggested initiatives to advance Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) don’t add unreasonable financial constraints to an already highly regulated industry.””We look forward to working with the NSW government further to ensure the promising strategic vison can be translated into practical outcomes.”Media contact: William Power| M 0429 210 982 | E [email protected]