UTAS Northern Expansion and water and sewerage must remain priorities

Home Media Releases UTAS Northern Expansion and water and sewerage must remain priorities

UTAS Northern Expansion, and water and sewerage must remain prioritiesThe Property Council of Australia today welcomed tax cuts for small business as announced in yesterday’s Federal Budget but made it clear that the UTAS Northern Expansion and water and sewerage infrastructure must remain a priority.Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman acknowledged the investment in Tasmania’s small businesses saying that “they are the engine rooms of job creation in the state”.”The tax break for almost 40,000 small businesses in Tasmania is extremely important with jobs and continuous economic growth high on the Property Council of Australia’s advocacy agenda.”However, we remain of the view that significant investment in water and sewerage infrastructure would complement the support given to these hard-working local businesses who will benefit and prosper from the much needed improvements,” he said.Mr Wightman also encouraged the Federal Government to consider the UTAS Northern Expansion as the upcoming Federal Election approaches.”It was disappointing that the Budget did not recognise the importance of the UTAS Northern Expansion to the future of the region.”We remain hopeful that with a Federal Election approaching a funding promise matching Labor’s recent announcement will be forthcoming,” he said.