The Property Council has welcomed the finalisation of the Aerotropolis Planning Package, which alters planning controls to maximise investment in the employment precincts surrounding the new Western Sydney International Airport.
The Property Council’s Western Sydney Regional Director Ross Grove congratulated the NSW Government on their continued engagement with the community and property industry in creating the new controls and the benefits they will bring.
“The first set of planning controls were not going to create investment atmosphere required to create jobs in the Aerotropolis,” Mr Grove said.
“The changes we’re seeing today mean our members are better able to get on with the job of master planning and fine-tuning their visions for key sites adjacent to the airport.
“At the outset we said architectural design competitions for sheds and earthworks was planning-overkill and the government has listened.
“We support high-quality design outcomes in Western Sydney, but we can’t do this at the expensive of our region’s economic productivity and competitiveness.”
Mr Grove said he would like to thank the Department of Planning and Environment for their willingness to engage with the industry and explore practical solutions which meet the government’s expectations while creating a healthy business environment.
“In particular we’d like to thank the Department’s Executive Director Western City Catherine Van Laeren and her team for their leadership, candour and perseverance throughout this challenging time,” he said.
“This is a definite win, but there is still more to do. We need stronger commitments to state road upgrades, certainty on costs and an ongoing discussion about water management to ensure our shared aspirations in this precinct are fully realised.
“There is still a long runway to creating the certainty industry needs to start planting shovels in the ground. The government is making progress toward these matters and we look forward to working with them going forward.”
Media contact: Aidan Green | M 0491 030 028 | E [email protected]