Supporting the return of the ABCC
The introduction of a bill into Parliament today to restore the Australian Building Construction Commission is a positive step towards improving productivity in the construction sector.
“This bill is vital to Australia’s productivity and it is vital to protecting the economy from unlawful industrial action”, says Property Council chief executive Ken Morrison.
“If elections are to mean anything then this bill should be passed. If mandates are to be respected, this bill should be passed. If Australia is to get back on to the ‘reform road’ then this bill should be passed. If this sector is to have any chance at productivity growth and cultural change then it should pass.
“This is a proven reform. The last time the construction industrial watchdog was in place, industrial action in the construction industry fell by half.
“Our own members report that productivity grew when the ABCC was in place, and fell when it was dissolved. This is an easy way to strengthen the economy without significant cost to the taxpayer.
“The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption found behaviour not suited or fitting for a modern economy.
“Bullying has no place in our workplaces. Every employee in our sector should feel safe from bullying, threats and a culture of corruption – they can feel that again with the return of the ABCC.
“Our hope is that the crossbenchers will accept the gravity of this situation and will support the changes that have already been taken to the Australian people.”
Media contact: Paul Ritchie |E [email protected]