Supporting Master Plan Projects
The Northern Territory Division of the Property Council of Australia collectively represents billions of dollars of commercial investment in the Northern Territory. The property sector has a larger footprint on the Northern Territory economy than any other industry.
Northern Territory Director Ruth Palmer said as an industry, we not only have a keen interest, but also a financial interest in the future development of the Northern Territory.
“We appreciate the City of Darwin’s effort to make progress on projects identified in the Darwin City Centre Master Plan.
“We have been, and will continue to be a strong advocate for projects outlined in the Master Plan and to encourage the development, reinvigoration and opportunity of the Darwin CBD.
“We have long advocated the view that the Darwin City Centre needs to be the primary employment and entertainment hub for the greater Darwin region.
“We know that cities right around Australia take advantage of their coastal locations by creating spaces for the community to enjoy.
“We need to create an attractive, vibrant and energetic space for not only tourists who visit the city but also the growing number of residents who are calling the Darwin City Centre home.
“With the ever increasing number of families that are living in the Darwin City Centre, it is imperative that the city has amenities for families and children of all ages.
“We strongly support the proposed playground and family activity area at Bicentennial Park.
“We believe that this park would cater for the increasing city residential population as well as visitors as mentioned above.
“We agree that a range of amenities should be provided so that children of varying ages can enjoy the facilities. We understand that a skate park component is under consideration. We support the idea of a skate park component, as long as it is designed in a way that discourages anti-social behaviour.”