Strategic planning elevated in the NSW planning system

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Strategic planning elevated in the NSW planning system

Industry has welcomed the passage of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) by the NSW Parliament today as an important step in elevating the importance of strategic planning and community engagement.

NSW Property Council of Australia Executive Director Jane Fitzgerald greeted the long-awaited renewal of the planning system as a critical step to facilitating the development of well-planned communities across NSW.

“The Property Council commends the NSW Government for bringing to fruition a refresh of the State’s planning system, replacing years of piecemeal changes with a coherent piece of legislation that elevates the role of strategic planning,” Ms Fitzgerald said.

“In terms of lifespan, our planning system has effectively reached middle age; its timely to address both the middle-age spread our planning system had succumbed to, and to refocus and reinvigorate the role of the community as part of a future focused planning system. 

“We are pleased to see the elevation of strategic planning and community participation; it’s important that the role of local leaders has been elevated from ad hoc, incremental decision makers to leaders in strategic planning with a primary focus on guiding and informing communities about future growth and development choices.

“The Bill also rationalises and consolidates various administration provisions of the legislation trimming excess weight.

“The Property Council is concerned, however, that some changes introduced in the Bill could be used for vexatious purposes to delay and disrupt development.  We will closely monitor if this occurs.

“Ultimately, revisions to the NSW planning system passed by Parliament today are about creating quality built places that will meet the demands of a growing community through equitable and well design development and we look forward to continuing to work with the Government on this important work.”

Media contact:  William Power| M 0429 210 982 |   E [email protected]