Statutory boundaries could drive up house pricesThe Property Council of Australia has released its submission to the Expert Panel on Planning Reform, with housing affordability firmly on the agenda. “Whilst the Property Council supports a number of positive initiatives put forward by the Panel, it does not support statutory urban growth boundaries,” said SA Executive Director of the Property Council Daniel Gannon. “Statutory urban growth boundaries, if implemented, could have enormous adverse implications for long-term housing affordability and housing choices. “Put simply, statutory urban growth boundaries will place upward pressure on house prices. “At a time when the housing market is competitive at a national level, we need to ensure that South Australia’s housing market remains equally competitive. “The Property Council has made it clear to the Expert Panel that an urban growth boundary is a policy decision and should not be part of systemic reform. “Not only that, but the implementation of these boundaries doesn’t allow for future flexibility from a policy perspective – it will be harder, not easier, to respond to change. “Statutory urban growth boundaries could also hinder smart population growth, particularly at a time when our state needs growth. “Right now, South Australia needs economic stimulus – not upward pressure on house prices.” Mr Gannon said the broad intention of the reform ideas put forward is clearly designed to enable the successful implementation of earlier reforms as well as introducing a raft of new reforms, which are also very positive. “This reform package addresses the major deficiencies in the state’s current planning system and, if delivered as a package, will position South Australia’s planning system as the best in Australia,” he said. “This will give our local property sector a major competitive advantage in attracting property development and investment.”
Home Media Releases Statutory boundaries could drive up house prices