The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the NSW State Budget which has addressed some of the growing pains in the Illawarra, by investing in regional infrastructure that can fast track planning and boost housing delivery.
Property Council of Australia’s Illawarra Regional Director Michelle Guido said commitments to invest in infrastructure would boost economic activity, drive development and grow job opportunities.
“This is welcome news but as a growing region we should always be planning for more,” Ms Guido said.
“It was great to see an allocation of $300 million towards local infrastructure in growth areas across key regional areas and we wait with interest to see how much of this will come to the Illawarra and South Coast.
“Funding for the Shellharbour and Shoalhaven hospitals is a welcome announcement to ensure these critical pieces of infrastructure provide for the future growth of the region, and during development provide much needed jobs.
“Strong funding was committed in the budget for roads including the upgrade of the Princes Highway south of the Illawarra and Picton Road connecting to Western Sydney. These roads are gateways for visitors to our region and critical for the movement of freight connecting our industries to the rest of the state.
“We should be leveraging off current commitments that will significantly grow our regional and state economies.”
Housing supply in the Illawarra is set to benefit from a range of regional housing measures included in the budget:
- $174mil for 271 new homes for key workers in regional and remote New South Wales.
- $120mil for infrastructure to unlock housing in regional areas through co-funding critical housing enabling infrastructure (under the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund allocation).
- $33.8mil for the Regional Housing Development Program to overcome data gaps, coordination and planning barriers to secure a pipeline of housing supply in regional NSW.
The Illawarra is growing at a rate of 1.1% and will benefit from a large allocation of funds for health precincts development, infrastructure and road upgrades.
- $1.9 billion over four years to continue the transformation of the Princes Highway south of Nowra, including the Milton Ulladulla Bypass, Jervis Bay to Sussex Inlet Upgrade Stage 1 and Jervis Bay Road Intersection (state and federally funded).
- $119.5 million over four years to continue planning for upgrades of Picton Road to improve safety and connectivity as a key link for the Illawarra Region, South Coast, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne (state and federally funded).
- $44.2 million to continue construction of the Nowra Bridge over the Shoalhaven River on the Princes Highway (state and federally funded).
- $721.9 million New Shellharbour Hospital and Integrated Services and car park.
- $438.0 million Shoalhaven Hospital redevelopment.
- $3.5mil ($4.5mil recurrent expenses over two years) to develop a detailed business case and Master Plan for the Illawarra Sports and Entertainment Precinct (ISEP) and to support planning activities at Venues NSW precincts, to determine the best approach for the future of ISEP and other Venues NSW precincts.
Media contact: Aidan Green | E [email protected]