Senate urged to pass ABCC Bill

Home Media Releases Senate urged to pass ABCC Bill

Senate urged to pass ABCC BillThe Property Council of Australia urges Senators to support the Government’s legislation to restore the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC). Chief Executive Ken Morrison said the legislation would reinstate proper oversight of Australia’s construction industry, to the benefit of workers and the broader community. “The safety of workers on construction sites is paramount and having a tough cop on the beat will help improve safety,” Mr Morrison said. “The property and construction industries employ over 1.3 million Australians – more than mining and manufacturing combined. We want each and every one of them coming home safe from work every day. “Property is the powerhouse of the national economy and it is vital to keep construction going strong. Reinstating the ABCC will give a much-needed boost to productivity. “The Senate must confront head on the very real and very urgent requirement to stop disruptive criminal activity on construction sites, particularly so in Victoria, where jobs and investment have been penalised. “Australia has the right laws in place that protect workers and allow business to function – what we need is a better mechanism to enforce them – that is what the ABCC would do. “We simply cannot afford to see a drop off in construction, particularly residential construction. Any interruption in the supply of new housing stock would only further exacerbate housing prices. “The Property Council urges all Senators to pass the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 in the best interests of workers and communities.” Media contact: Fiona Benson | M 0407 294 620 | E [email protected]