Saffire Freycinet wins international awardThe Executive Director of the Tasmanian Division of the Property Council Brian Wightman today congratulated Federal Group Tasmania for winning the Best Boutique Hotel in the World at an Award Ceremony held in London which recognised their east coast property Saffire Freycinet.”For a significant period of time, Federal Group Tasmania has delivered outstanding experiences and sustainable development and investment in our State.”Saffire Freycinet is an amazing example of boutique accommodation. It’s located in one of the most picturesque destinations in the World with an amazing view of the much treasured Freycinet National Park,” Mr Wightman said.Mr Wightman acknowledged that this Award is another positive accolade for the State coming off the back of recent high acclaim including a Top 5 ranking as a destination to visit from Lonely Planet.”Tasmania is gradually creating a brand all of its own. No longer when people think Tasmania do they roll their eyes, rather when they think Tasmania they recognise quality.”Sustainable and high quality development by Property Council of Australia Members like Federal Group Tasmania is recognised on the World stage. The local benefit of this recognition is job creation, which is so desperately needed in our State,” he said.Mr Wightman congratulated the Farrell Family for their ongoing commitment to creating outstanding experiences for locals and visitors alike.”Never has a slight rewording of the famous quote ‘If you build it, they shall come’ been a more apt compliment to pay the Farrell Family and Federal Group Tasmania,” Mr Wightman said.The property and construction industries employ 16.7 per cent of Tasmania’s workforce, are the state’s largest single contributor to gross state product at 10.9 per cent, and pays over $800 million in property-specific state and local taxes.Media contacts:Brian Wightman, Executive Director Tasmania 0429 073 773
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