Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
The Retirement Living Council welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of a Royal Commission as an important step in improving the standards in aged care quality and safety; an outcome which we believe all Australians support.
“A large proportion of residents in retirement communities will need to access the aged care system, either through the provision of home care into their homes, or through a transition to a residential aged care setting,” says Ben Myers, Executive Director – Retirement Living at the Property Council of Australia.
“A quality aged care system is vital in ensuring our ageing population gets the care, support and comfort they deserve in their final years”.
The retirement living industry as part of the seniors housing sector is committed to continually improving the experience of the almost 200,000 Australians who currently live in retirement villages. This has included the introduction of an industry wide eight-point improvement plan including enhanced training and accreditation programs in 2017, and the impending introduction of a Retirement Living Code of Conduct in 2018.
The retirement living industry is regulated at a state and territory level and has been the subject of considerable rigour over the past year, with new legislation in Queensland and South Australia and an independent report in NSW.
Australians who live in retirement villages are independent and have a very different set of needs to those in residential aged care who require full-time care and assistance.
While some retirement village residents may receive home care services, primarily delivered by third-party service providers which will be covered by this inquiry, seniors housing in its various forms, including retirement villages, land lease communities and short-term seniors housing, are not part of any government-funded aged care system.
We understand the final terms of reference for the royal commission will be settled by government in coming weeks.
Media contact:  Andrew Lowcock | M 0447 666 902 |  E [email protected]