Review risks additional time and cost delays for housing

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Review risks additional time and cost delays for housing

Queenslanders can expect additional costs and further time delays in the delivery of new housing, if suggested responses to the Government”s review of developers are implemented.

The property industry has this year weathered supply chain issues, labour shortages, cost escalation and extreme weather events, all combining to create a perfect storm of barriers to delivery, precisely at the time when housing supply in Queensland is at a crisis point.

Queensland Deputy Executive Director of the Property Council Jess Caire, said the discussion paper on the review into developers unsurprisingly puts forward a laundry list of new regulation to be imposed upon the industry however there is little evidence to support the need for it.

“The property industry in Queensland directly employs almost 300,000 people. It contributes just shy of 50 per cent of the state”s total tax take. It is responsible for delivering the houses we live in, the hospitals we seek care in, the communities we grow up in, and the centres we shop in,” Ms Caire said.

“The review panel asked for feedback on the experiences of a cross-section of people across this state and has come up with no evidence of a systemic issue or a clear problem needing action.

“As the peak body representing the property industry, the Property Council has a track record of working closely with Government to resolve issues and find solutions to problems as they arise.

“If a widespread issue had been identified, the Property Council would welcome the opportunity to work with Government to ensure its resolution.

Given the discussion paper presents an extensive list of potential regulatory and legislative interventions for Queensland businesses without clearly articulating the issue it seeks to address, the likely outcome is additional costs and delays for end users, with no benefit.

“It is disappointing that shortly after the Government highlighted their commitment to responding to the housing crisis by convening a summit that they propose an array of regulatory changes that could add to the cost of new housing in Queensland,” Ms Caire said.



The Government”s review of the role of developers within the Queensland building and construction industry came about through a recommendation of Parliament”s Transport and Public Works Committee, which had been tasked with examining the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020.

An independent panel was appointed in November 2021, and the discussion paper released today will inform any recommendations made by the panel. The Minister is required to table the final report and recommendations in parliament by November.

The discussion paper is open for consultation until 16 December 2022.