Red tape set to rise due to VCEC’s fallThe abolition of Victoria’s foremost agency on reducing regulations and red tape by the Government will undermine efforts to drive best practice regulation in the state, according to the Property Council of Australia. From 1 July, the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission’s functions will be embedded within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. “We are concerned that the State Government’s decision to absorb the functions of this proven vehicle for strategic economic and regulatory advice will see the red tape burden rise again,” said Victorian Executive Director of the Property Council, Jennifer Cunich. “Victoria needs an authority dedicated to economic reform which is distanced from the short term, immediate concerns of the political cycle, “This move will undermine the State Government’s ability to independently shine light on inefficiencies and set a long term vision for reform.” The Property Council has previously commended VCEC for its work in identifying productivity improvements, most notably during its inquiry into a state based reform agenda under the Baillieu Government and the inquiry into regulation of the housing construction sector under the Bracks Government. “These inquiries helped to identify a number of important recommendations, including changes to land use planning, infrastructure delivery, the taxation regime and complex regulatory and decision making processes,” said Ms Cunich. “By providing impartial advice on ways to drive Victoria’s productivity, VCEC has been instrumental to attracting investment, supporting business, and delivering significant benefits for all Victorians.” Asher Judah, Victorian Deputy Executive Director – 0499 841 715
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