Queensland’s biggest industry backs four year fixed terms
The Property Council of Australia has put its support behind the bi-partisan push for four year fixed parliamentary terms in Queensland, ahead of Saturday’s referendum.
Queensland Executive Director of the Property Council, Chris Mountford, says that longer terms and a static election date will provide industry and the community with far greater
certainty and will boost business confidence.
“Increasing the term length will provide our elected officials with some clean air outside of the churn of the election period to plan and deliver on strategic priorities,” Mr Mountford said.
“This referendum is about letting our State Parliament take a longer term view on the direction of Queensland. This will not only create greater certainty, but better policy results
for Queenslanders.”
The property sector is Queensland’s largest industry, generating one ninth of Queensland’s GDP.
“For the property industry four year fixed terms will create greater certainty. Certainty attracts investment, generates further economic activity and creates more jobs,” Mr Mountford said.
Queensland is the only Australian State still utilising three year parliamentary terms. Since 2004, the average term of the Queensland Parliament has been only 2 years and 9 months.
“Policy reforms of key structural importance to the industry, which would generate confidence and job creation, have been affected by the short political cycle in Queensland.
Three year terms have created a very slow pace for reformed planning legislation, updated regional land-use plans and infrastructure planning.
“Uncertainty around the policy direction of our state government is not good for business and is not in the best interest of long-term strategic decision making.
“Queenslanders have the opportunity to boost certainty this Saturday by adopting fixed four-year State parliamentary terms.
“Our vote will be a once in a generation chance to make a significant confidence-boosting reform to Queensland’s long-term policymaking.”