Property sector stands ready to help shape future of our city

Home Media Releases Property sector stands ready to help shape future of our city

Property sector stands ready to help shape future of our cityACT Executive Director of the Property Council, Adina Cirson has today welcomed the ACT Chief Ministers commitment to go beyond ‘business as usual’ and get on with urban renewal and economic diversification of our city.”The Property Council believes that to get the best outcomes, real partnerships and more collaboration is essential – between the government, business, property and the community sectors,” Ms Cirson said.”This is a critical moment, as we turn to renew and invest in infrastructure to meet the growing demands on our city, but also to make the most of the opportunities before us and to fully realise our potential.”Canberra is a city that has the potential to be small but smart, and lead the nation on housing affordability, sustainability and placemaking,” Ms Cirson said. The Property Council acknowledged however, that in achieving these things, also comes with its own set of challenges.”Whether we like it or not – our city is rapidly changing – and in order to get things done, we need to work out how to build on our city’s strengths – so we can be better, bigger, and more populated – but still be Canberra,” Ms Cirson said.”But none of us can do it on our own – we have to work together. That’s why the Property Council welcomes the establishment of a focused, stand-alone authority for Urban Renewal – and believe it will be key to setting the strategic priorities and timelines for growth, and in turn create greater certainty for investors and the whole community.”The property sector is of course keen to make sure we get the policy settings right in any precincts that are declared, and streamlining of processes to deliver stronger partnerships and new opportunities to deliver innovative, interesting and exciting developments.”We look forward to engaging with the ACT Government on the establishment and scope of the new Urban Renewal Authority, and share the Chief Minister’s optimism for the future of our city,” Ms Cirson concluded.Media contact: Adina Cirson | E [email protected]