Property owners hit in SA BudgetSouth Australian property owners were slugged in the 2014/15 State Budget by a sharp increase in the Emergency Services Levy (ESL) paid on all property and confirmation that the Government intends to introduce a $7 car park tax in July 2014. “It is disappointing that property owners once again bear the brunt of tough Budget measures,” Property Council Acting Executive Director Lino Iacomella said. “The increase in the ESL will affect all property owners and it adds to the growing cost of owning property. “The car park tax will hurt retailers in the city centre and diminish investor appeal for CBD property. Adelaide needs incentives to help grow the state economy not another tax that will add to the cost of doing business in the city. “On the positive side it is reassuring that $10 billion of committed infrastructure work from earlier Budgets will continue. “It is also pleasing that the Government is responding to the housing needs of seniors. The Budget includes an $8,0 grant to help people over 60 years of age downsize into a more appropriate home. This is good public policy and it will help to free up larger existing homes for growing families. “Importantly, there were no increases to land tax and stamp duty rates however the Budget failed to include much needed reforms to the state’s property taxes, which are some of the highest in Australia. “The property sector cannot be expected to continue to do the heavy lifting of fixing the annual State Budget,” Lino Iacomella said.
Home Media Releases Property owners hit in SA Budget