Property industry support for bushfire relief and recovery

Home Media Releases Property industry support for bushfire relief and recovery


Australia’s property industry is supporting emergency relief efforts and is also preparing to provide practical support for the long process of recovery and reconstruction for bushfire-affected communities.

The Property Council will be working closely with its members from across the property industry to identify opportunities for people who can provide industry expertise and practical support for recovery and reconstruction efforts in coming months, in addition to the support being provided for immediate relief needs.

Many property companies have already made substantial cash donations to relief efforts through various charities and have also been matching donations made by their staff. Companies have provided extended leave for employees affected by the bushfires and for those who are volunteering with emergency services and charities providing bushfire relief.

Companies have also provided valuable in-kind assistance, including the allocation of space in their buildings for fundraising and access to government and community services as well as initiatives such as the use of digital advertising spaces to raise awareness of relief efforts.

Property Council of Australia Chief Executive Ken Morrison attended a roundtable of industry organisations hosted by the Prime Minister in Canberra this month to discuss ongoing support for bushfire relief and reconstruction.

“Our industry stands ready to do more to help those Australians and communities affected by these devastating fires to recover and rebuild,” Mr Morrison said.

“In particular, our industry can provide practical support for recovery and reconstruction through the provision of space, accommodation and skilled people to help with the job of rebuilding communities affected by the fires.

“We will coordinate these activities through the Federal Government’s National Bushfire Recovery Agency and the Sir Peter Cosgrove -chaired BizRebuild established by the Business Council of Australia,” Mr Morrison said.

The Property Council will support further fundraising in association with major events being held around Australia during February.

Mr Morrison said the Property Council members were also supporting their customers and tenants who had been impacted by the bushfires as they recover and rebuild their businesses.

“Our members have always strived to work with their customers and tenants to help through them challenging times and we know they are doing so again, as well as contributing generously to relief and recovery efforts,” Mr Morrison said.

An overview of industry contributions for bushfire relief is available here.

Media contact: Matt Francis m 0467 777 220 e [email protected]