Property Industry lists five priorities Keep WA Growing in election
The Property Council has called on the major parties contesting the WA state election to commit to five urgent policy actions to keep WA growing in the election.
- Create a state infrastructure plan which is funded from land sales and the sale of public assets like Western Power;
- Rule out any increases in land tax and stamp duty rates in the next term of government and move quickly to phase out land tax aggregation;
- Maintain independent Development Assessment Panels;
- Pass legislation in 2017 to create community strata titles; and
- Create mandatory housing targets for seniors in state and local planning laws.
“These policy solutions are essential to engage the property industry in growing WA and create more prosperity, jobs and stronger communities,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“Without these policy actions the property sector will not be able to play its important role in generating much needed investment and development to grow the state.
“Asset recycling is the most effective way to fund much needed infrastructure in WA and we should follow the lead of other states that are successfully funding major projects through land sales and the sale of large public assets like Western Power.
“The property sector is ‘taxed-out’ after three big land tax increases and further increases or the suggestion of tax increases will stall the likely recovery in real estate markets in 2017 and will not be tolerated.
“Independent Development Assessment Panels are essential to deliver unbiased and professional local planning decisions that are in the best interest of all the community.
“Urgent reforms are required to modernise WA’s antiquated strata title laws and enable modern precinct developments to occur.
“The biggest gap in our housing system is the lack of housing diversity for seniors and urgent action is required to turn this around to avoid the inevitable housing stress in a vulnerable part of the population.
The Property Council’s full WA State Election agenda can be downloaded here.
Media contact: Lino Iacomella | M 0417 1 974 | E [email protected]