TheProperty Council of WA, along with its official Diversity Co-Host JLL andDiversity Partner ISPT are delighted to host the Pride in Property Long Lunch.
The eventoriginated as an opportunity for industry to be proactive supporters of diversityand was created in collaboration with the Property Council Diversity andInclusion committee. Hosted in WA Pride Month, this is the second year in a rowthe event will take place.
Accordingto Property Council WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer the lunch is acelebration of what makes the property industry great – its people.
“We aredelighted to once again be hosting this celebration of industry”s commitment tofostering diversity and inclusivity,” she said.
“As thecurators of built environment, the property industry is responsible forcreating, planning, and building for generations. This responsibility requiresa constant mind to how the built environment, workplaces and spaces can supportpeople in feeling safe, supported, and seen.
“Deliveringthese built environment outcomes can create positive social change and enableeveryone to live authentically and feel safe in being their true selves.
“ThePride in Property lunch is a true celebration of inclusion, togetherness andallyship and we are proud to continue to champion diversity in our industry,”she concluded.
JLL Managing Director (WA) Angelo Amara said JLL isproud to continue their diversity sponsorship with Property Council WA for a secondyear.
“At JLL we believe creating a diverse culture is one whereeveryone succeeds, feels welcomed, valued, and empowered to achieve their fullpotential.
“We celebrate JLL Pride in Australia and around the globeas we believe a better world is one where we can be our true selves and ourvoices are heard,” he concluded.
ISPT GE People& Culture, Hazel Thurlow said ISPT was proud to be the official diversitypartner for the Property Council WA.
“We share the Property Council”s commitment to building a diverse andinclusive industry and strive to create an environment where everyone feelsrespected, able to bring their “˜whole self” to work and has equitableopportunities to succeed,” Ms Thurlow said.
Kickingoff the festivities will be an inspirational fireside conversation withGeraldton-born award-winning author Holden Sheppard, who”s famous novels”˜Invisible Boys” and “˜The Brink” have inspired and supported people of all agesand backgrounds to feel seen and proud.
Followingthe keynote, the celebrations will continue with fabulous entertainmentincluding performances by multi-award-winning Perth drag artists Fay Rociousand Cougar Morrison.
The longlunch will be held on Friday 25 November at Beaumonde on the Point to celebratethe industry”s commitment to championing diversity and inclusivity.
For more information about the event and tickets click here.
Media contact: Megan Lack | M 0449252380 | E [email protected]