Property Council welcomes renewed focus on the Hunter

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Property Council welcomes renewed focus on the Hunter

The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the appointment of a dedicated Minister for Cities in the New South Wales Cabinet announced today.

Property Council Hunter Regional Director Anita Hugo said the announcement was a strong endorsement of the Hunter’s economic significance and looked forward to working with the new Minister to unlock the full potential of the region.

“These changes come at a time when the region needs strong leadership across a number of these portfolios if it is to have progress and growth,” Ms Hugo said.

“With the draft Hunter Regional Plan recently released and an anticipated review of the regional transport plan, we’ll be looking for continued commitment to removing barriers for housing and jobs growth and alignment of these is crucial to achieving that.

“We welcome the appointment of the Hon Rob Stokes as Minister for Cities and hope this role will bring much needed attention to significant regional priorities including the Newcastle Airport and Hunter Park.

“Our city is an important player in the broader state economy and must be supported with the necessary infrastructure and investment to support expected population growth.

“Regional housing must remain a key priority for the new minister for planning and homes.

“We look forward to working with the incoming Minister for Planning and Homes the Hon. Anthony Roberts MP to ensure Newcastle remains a great place to live and work, with the necessary and high-quality housing stock we need.”

Ms Hugo thanked the Hon. Rob Stokes MP for his strong commitment and service in the planning portfolio and welcomed his appointment to the newly created Cities portfolio.

“Minister Stokes should be congratulated for the leadership and drive he brought to the portfolio amid a busy reform agenda,” she said.

“We look forward to our productive working relationship with Mr Stokes continuing as the new Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport on the delivery of the Government’s vision for six major urban population centres spanning Sydney, Wollongong, the Central Coast and Newcastle.”

“Our CBDs are the economic engine rooms of New South Wales and they need to fire on all cylinders – including beyond Newcastle.

Ms Hugo thanked outgoing ministers for their service, including the Hon. Melinda Pavey MP for her recent service as Minister for Housing, Property and Water.

“Minister Pavey’s passion for regional New South Wales is unquestionable. We recognise her work overseeing the regional housing taskforce, as well as her strong track record improving social and affordable housing for the people of our state.”

Media: Aidan Green | E: [email protected]