Property Council welcomes more free CATs

Home Media Releases Property Council welcomes more free CATs

Property Council welcomes more free CATs

Perth Cat Bus - image: Public Transport AuthorityThe Property Council of Australia welcomes the McGowan Government’s announcement of a review into Transperth’s Perth Central Area Transit (CAT) bus service.

Property Council of Australia WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said that any initiatives to help link people and places is a positive step forward for Perth.

“A major part of creating connected communities is ensuring that there are ample transport options and infrastructure in place,” Ms Brewer said.

“If the McGowan Government’s review into the Perth CAT bus service leads to optimised transport opportunities in Perth city – this will be a major win for the thousands of members of the WA public who commute in and around the city on a daily basis,” she said.

The State Government’s announced review will include investigating the introduction of a night-time ‘Black’ CAT service which will be a huge support in attracting more people to come and enjoy a night out in the city.

“By increasing the Perth CAT transport opportunities offered to our community, this incentive could inject more life into the city, by linking major entertainment hubs with residential developments and hotels from east to west,” Property Council of Australia WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said.

“This is a fantastic opportunity not only to attract more people to visit and consider Perth city a go-to recreation destination, but to support the growth of our economy. This is a critical part of the State Government’s public transport network focus, and we applaud them on this initiative,” Ms Brewer said.

“Melbourne may have the trams – but in Perth our CATs are sitting on a 96 per cent passenger satisfaction rating in this year’s Passenger Satisfaction Monitor (PSM) Transperth survey,” she said.

“The Property Council encourages members of the public to take part in Transperth’s online community survey and attend any of the three community consultation sessions on offer.

“The Property Council is committed to being involved in the Perth CAT review and will be providing input with the support of our members.”

Perth CAT review community consultation sessions

  • Wednesday, 7 November: 10am-3pm (Elizabeth Quay Bus Station InfoCentre)
  • Thursday, 8 November: 12.30pm-5.30pm (Perth Busport, Yagan Square entrance)
  • Friday, 9 November: 2pm-7pm (Perth Underground Station)

For more information visit