Property Council Welcomes Landmark Review on Gender Equality

Home Media Releases Property Council Welcomes Landmark Review on Gender Equality

The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the announcement from the NSW Government to form a women’s economic expert panel to help achieve gender equality in the workforce.

Property Council’s NSW Executive Director Luke Achterstraat said he would continue to advocate for the NSW Government to include a women’s economic security statement alongside the State Budget as one of the mainstream budget papers.

“This panel will help shape the state budget by recognising the role of women and the importance they play in the NSW economic recovery,” Mr Achterstraat said.

“The Property Council of Australia is committed to increasing diversity in the property industry and recognises the important role women play in the workforce and broader economy.

The Property Council runs diversity programs targeting all ages, from our leadership group Property Champions of Change through to our school program Girls in Property.

“Last year we recognised the need for specific women’s economic action and included a recommendation in our 2021 Pre-Budget Submission, so it’s great to see the government listening and acting on such an important issue.

“Our recommendation is that a gender equality statement or women’s economic security statements is released alongside the State Budget as one of the mainstream budget papers.”

The landmark review will look at policies to narrow the gender pay gap and make childcare more accessible and affordable.

Chief Executive Women president Sam Mostyn has been asked to chair the expert panel after her National Press Club address last year, where she spoke about the importance of valuing the “care industries” which are largely made up of women.

Other members of the expert panel include the chief executive of the Muslim Women Association Maha Abdo and Blair Comley, partner at EY Port Jackson Partners.

Regional businesswoman Jillian Kilby, co-chair of the Council on Early Childhood Development Leslie Loble and writer and teacher Daisy Turnbull are also on the panel.

Aidan Green | E: [email protected]