Property Council welcomes Centre for Population

Home Media Releases Property Council welcomes Centre for Population

Property Council welcomes Centre for Population

The Property Council of Australia has welcomed today’s launch of the new Centre for Population in Treasury to support the sharing of data, research, ideas and expertise on population.

The Centre will make an important contribution to policy and planning by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments that is based on good evidence and better forecasting.

“As Minister Tudge has noted, our population growth has been a driver of our economic prosperity as well as contributing to the vibrancy and diversity of our cities,” said Ken Morrison, Chief Executive of the Property Council.

“However, there are growing pains, especially in our largest cities, and we need a smarter approach to planning and investing for the future so we can focus on making the most of the benefits of growth, rather than just playing catch-up with the consequences,”

“It will also help encourage the growth of cities such as Perth, Adelaide and Darwin which are seeking to grow their populations.

“The Centre for Population will help address the challenges of growth and inform good policy and planning to support our future economic growth and social well-being,” Mr Morrison said.

Media contact: Matt Francis | M 0467 777 220 | E [email protected]