Property Council submission in response to Melbourne s Future Planning Framework

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Property Council submission in response to Melbourne’s Future Planning Framework

The Property Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to submit a response to Melbourne’s Future Planning Framework and the six Land Use Framework Plans (‘the Plans’) contained within. We note the Plans are to be incorporated into planning schemes, which will provide helpful certainty to developers, town planners, and Councils about the overarching imperative to deliver growth in a way than is congruent with the Plan aims.

We are broadly supportive of the Plans and welcome the opportunities they will create. As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, Victoria’s development community needs greater certainty on how it can help to contribute to the delivery of new homes, workplaces, and spaces for the public and help drive economic growth and opportunity for the next thirty years.

The Property Council’s submission outlines several elements that could elevate the Plans and improve their potential as documents guiding the future of Melbourne’s growth as it continues into the 21st Century.