Property Council: Five Point Plan for Tomorrow’s Canberra

Home Media Releases Property Council: Five Point Plan for Tomorrow’s Canberra

Monday 26 August 2024


Property Council: Five Point Plan for Tomorrow’s Canberra

The ACT property sector has called on all major parties to endorse a five-point plan to meet the needs of “Tomorrow’s Canberra’, ahead of the October election.

Released today, the ACT Property Council’s Election Platform maps a clear path for more housing, balanced taxation, vibrancy and nightlife, sustainability and infrastructure.

Property Council ACT Executive Director Gino Luglietti said the election was a critical opportunity to lay strong policy foundations for the expected population boom.

“Tomorrow’s Canberra depends on the success of property, development and the built environment, which accounts for $4.5 billion of our economic activity,” Mr Luglietti said.

“With the ACT expecting an almost 60 per cent increase in population to 784,000 by 2060, we owe it to future generations to put the right foundations in place.

“That means faster, smarter, and more strategic planning to make sure we are delivering the right kind of homes in the right places at the right time.

“It means laying the groundwork for a more vibrant, sustainable city that’s easier to get around and which is ripe for growth, with a fairer and more balanced tax regime to attract more investment.”

The Property Council ACT Election Platform calls for all parties to:

  • Put the property sector at the heart of housing solutions
  • Support smart policies for a more sustainable, energy efficient, all-electric city
  • Deliver essential transport and events infrastructure for city growth
  • Prioritise Civic, and bring vibrancy back to the nation’s capital
  • Introduce reform for a fairer, more balanced, diverse, and sustainable tax regime.

“It’s time to pull the right levers for housing, create the right tax settings, and put property at the heart of Tomorrow’s Canberra for all the generations to come,” Mr Luglietti said.

For more information visit: Seizing the Opportunity for Growth: Foundations for Tomorrow’s Canberra – Property Council Australia

The ACT Property Council is hosting a Leaders’ Debate on 16 October featuring Chief Minister Andrew Barr and Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee.